Glenorchy Trails Trust
Glenorchy Trails Trust’s Buckler Burn Trail – Phase 2: GTT has been instrumental in developing sustainable walking and cycling trails in Glenorchy. Their proposal seeks to extend an existing trail from Glenorchy to the Whakaari Conservation area with the addition of a cycle bridge over the Bucklers Burn. This will in turn foster recreation opportunities for the Glenorchy community, eco-friendly tourism and local economic growth.
The Glenorchy Trails Trust has been responsible for developing cycling and walking trails in and around the Glenorchy township. GTT's specific proposal to Impact100 is that its grant monies be applied to a larger project, extending the existing trail at the Queenstown end of the township as far as the Whakaari Conservation area, closer to Blanket Bay.
This complex project, more than half of which has already been fundraised for, will involve bridging the Buckler Burn. When completed, the trail will provide safer, more climate friendly access to the many trails in and around Whakaari. The new trail will also act as the terminus for the proposed new trail between Bob's Cove to Glenorchy.
It is envisaged that the provision of a larger range of trail options close to Glenorchy will provide visitors with a reason to linger longer, promote 'slow tourism' and stimulate economic development in the area.
If GTT was to be successful in its application, the Impact100 grant monies would be the lever necessary to press 'go' on the project, which is already planned, engineered and consented. QLDC has agreed to maintain the trail, once constructed, in perpetuity.