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Launched in 2020, New Zealand’s first Impact100 chapter located in the Whakatipu Basin brought together 151 women committed to philanthropy and making a difference in our community.

The model is simple: At least 100 women donate $1000 which is pooled to make at least one impactful grant of $100,000 to a local Whakatipu charity.  Applicants are vetted by our Grants Committee, and then five finalists are presented to members who vote with the winning charity receiving the grant.  Impact100 is fully run by volunteers, and 100% of your donation is passed on to the local community. We are open for donations each year from January until 30 April. 

After five years, we have donated $897,500 to the Whakatipu community, with 8 charities receiving major grants of at least $100,000.

2020:  151 Supporters

$100,000  - Living Options, who assist and provide support for people with disabilities to renovate their Whakatipu facility in Arrowtown.

Runner-ups $5000 - Baby Box, St. John Whakatipu, Turn up the Music and Wanaka Wastebusters.

2021: 172 Supporters

$100,000 - Pivotal Point, a charity that aims to support neurodiverse learners to set up a screening programme for school children in the Whakatipu.

$85,000  - Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust to trap feral cats in the Dart-Rees delta with the aim of re-introducing the takahe. 

Runner-ups $5,000 - Southern Wellness Trust, Central Lakes Family Services, KiwiKit Community Trust & Volunteer South Central Lakes Partnership. 

2022: 168 Supporters

$148,000 - The Order of St John Wakatipu for a wheelchair accessible Health Shuttle which is also used for friendship drives for the elderly in the weekends.

Runner-ups $5000 - Life Education Trust Heartland Otago, Turn up the Music, YSAR (Youth Search and Rescue) and Te Atamira.

2023: 208 Supporters

$100,000 - KiwiHarvest Queenstown for a new refrigerated truck which will enhance their activity in the Queenstown-Lakes

$100,000 - The Lakes District Museum to digitise and archive their physical and digital assets and ensure accessibility.

Runner-ups $3500 - Southern Sanctuary, The Lightfoot Initiative, Queenstown Trails Trust

2024: 201 Supporters

$105,000  - Whakatipu Rowing Club to create the Impact100 training Room s part of the redevelopment of their building at Lake Hayes

$105,000 - Southern Lakes Sanctuary to continue predator control and moniroting work in the Rees valley to prepares for the relase of Takahe in 2025. Includes building the Impact100 Turk

Impact100 Wakatipu is an initiative of the Wakatipu Community Foundation.

Check out our Impact 100 Slide Deck here

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